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5 Reasons Why Mobile Advertising Should be a Part of Your Sales Strategy
The smartphone revolution has transformed the landscape for businesses and marketers, who now have a much priciser tool to discover, engage and acquire new clients. Businesses, these days, can tap into a rapidly growing reservoir of targeted prospects, and that too at a fraction of the cost of traditional marketing and advertising channels. Despite the...
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Search engine optimization, one of the most essential parts of digital marketing, plays a crucial role in ensuring that your website receives relevant, useful traffic. While implementing a set of generic SEO tactics may drive traffic to your website, bringing quality traffic requires you to deploy an arsenal of expert SEO tactics. Enjoying a diverse...
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Why is Social Media Not Working for Your Business
Social media platforms provide you with access to a massive pool of prospective customers for virtually all conceivable products and services, but garnering trust for your brand is a different ball game altogether. Since the industrial revolution and the rise of capitalism, people have been bombarded left, right and center by pushy salesmen and desperate...
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A Beginner’s Guide to App Store Optimization (ASO)
With nearly 3 million apps in the Google Play Store and more than 2 million in the App Store, making your app standout can be exceedingly challenging. In response to the ever-growing competitiveness, a large number of app marketers turn to App Store Optimization (ASO). Be it for getting discovered or gaining popularity, ASO is...
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Google’s May 2020 Core Update is over and it’s now the best time to look at what it means and discover if there are any big winners or losers. An algorithm is a system that is used to obtain data from the search index and provide the best results for user queries. Webmasters and Digital...
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Google executives Tom Hammel and Harshil Ved have released the following statement: “95% of home service/repair businesses who use AdWords cannot pinpoint revenue, (much less profit) directly from the PPC campaigns they spend money on every single month, month over month, year over year.” This is a serious problem for not only customers, but also...
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Content curation is sharing content that has been created by others, after adding value to it, to make it more relevant to your audience base. Curation is a great way to engage customers by keeping your blog and social media pages rich with new content. Finding relevant content and publishing it is a time consuming...
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The world has changed. Right from the way we communicate to the way we commute – every element pertaining to human existence has undergone a radical transformation with the onset of the online revolution. The transition has opened countless avenues for entrepreneurs and small businesses to make it BIG, while providing sustainable mediums for established...
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